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About Us

Why Choose Fr. Agnel School, Tumsar

The educational philosophy of the Society of Pilar, which runs schools all over India specially for the poor sections of society, challenges the children towards intellectual excellence: lean, to love to leam and to learn with dignity.

The school provides an environment to the students to grow:-

  • As authentic human persons based on the principles of truth and Justice;
  • As open and respectful young people to persons of all creeds, walks of life and economic status;
  • As generous and helpful person in society.
  • To prepare its pupils in the cultural, social and physical aspects of life.
  • Irrespective of Religion, caste or Community.

The school is primarily meant to provide education that is based on sound human values. It is meant to prepare them for life, with full respect to the freedom of conscience. Besides Providing education that is academicin nature, the school also intends to prepare its pupils in the cultural, social and physical aspects of life. Thus enabling them to face life with greater confidence.

"WISDOM TRIUMPHS" being the motto of the School, we shall strive to inculcate in our students proper interest, attitude and a sense of values they have to uphold in life. To attain this goal, we insist on upholding truth, accepting the inherited values, being clear on principles, to be courageous in action and be willing to build a more just social order thus they mature realising that the motto "Wisdom Triumphs" pervades all aspects of life, making them worthy citizens.

The student - teacher relationship is based on respect for spiritual values and aims at promoting in the students a concern for their fellowmen. The parents are requested to co-operate with the staff and management in this noble task of attaining the above aims and objectives. Every candidate for admission, must be introduced by the parent/guardian who will be responsible for his/her application to studies, discipline and payment of fees.